What if I told you PAINFUL AND EMBARRASSING SYMPTOMS of a weak pelvic floor can be easily eliminated and you will get a BEAUTIFUL BELLY as a bonus?
Urine leaks, painful periods, low libido, constipation, frequent intimate infections, not happy about your body and not sure what to do about it?
Submit your email below to get a FREE class.
Pelvic Floor Anatomy and reasons for incontinence
Important information about intra-abdominal pressure
Posture exercises
Breathing techniques and variations
Uddiyana bandha variations
Nauli beginner level
Pelvic floor training fixes issues inside out
My client's journeys to incontinence-free life and flat stomachs were EASY and the results are IMPRESSIVE!
Join my "Women's health 1.0 or get rid of incontinence in 90 days" course today to learn how to practice pelvic floor yoga and GET YOUR GUARANTEED RESULTS!
Get today's special offer:
❣️ TODAY'S PRICE: €60 ❣️
This price is a ONE-TIME-ONLY payment and you get access to the program for 1 year.
Why should you sign in now?
Worst case scenario is you invest in the course and it ends up not working for you, right?
I have a solution for that. Just send me an e-mail at yuliana-g@shark7-solutions.com and I will refund you 100% of your money within 2 weeks.
Why? Because I am 100% sure my program brings results. And it hasn't worked out for you personally at this moment of time, it's not good for either of us if you are forced to pay for a program you get nothing from.
I want to empower more women across the globe and make my course more accessible with the special 60% off offer that I'm running now for a limited time.
The price won't stay €60 forever so I'd recommend you to get it before the offer is gone :)
Hesitant? Let my clients' results convince you
Stronger pelvic floor, greater intimate zone immunity (reduced or eliminated risk of infections), flat belly and better stomach skin quality (reduced skin fat and cellulitis) - all this in just 10-15 min a day!
Julia's progress, 6 months of training
Got rid of postpartum incontinence in 2,5 (!) months, toned the belly, and improved intimate zone sensitivity (more pleasure with a partner)
Lana's progress, 4 months of training
Improved intimate zone immunity (got rid of returning UTIs) & sensitivity, toned the belly and improved its skin quality
Helen's progress, 6 months of training
Got rid of postpartum incontinence in 3 months, mastered Nauli, got into amazing shape in 6 months (lost postparum belly & weight)
Imagine if you could…
❣️ Get rid of urine leaks, painful periods, digestive issues, constipation and frequent intimate infections
❣️ Turn your morning from a fight for survival into an energy generator with an easy and enjoyable routine
❣️ Finally master the impressive Uddiyana and Nauli techniques to get (apart from incredible health benefits) “WOW! How do you do it?!” when people see you practicing
❣️ Get into fantastic shape and catch admiring glances wherever you go
❣️ Feel confident and inspired in your practice & life
❣️ Have a sensitivity in your intimate muscles that you didn't know existed and enjoy your sexual life like never before
You deserve to feel like yourself again
Imagine life without incontinence, life in a body you love and are proud of, active healthy life in a better mood with an impressive energy level. Like what you imagined? Then join my online course now!
Stop ignoring the issues - it'll only get worse. Your health is in your hands. It's time to act!
The solution you've been looking for:
When conventional methods fail, we tend to look deeper into the underlying problems and seek out alternative solutions.
That's when pelvic floor yoga comes into play. A completely natural and risk-free solution that addresses the root of pelvic floor issues instead of giving you temporary solutions to your symptoms (like medication or surgery might).
The "Women's health 1.0 or get rid of incontinence in 90 days" course I created is a €60 alternative to a €2,000 surgery.
What's in the course?
Class 1
Class 1 is an introduction to pelvic floor training. You'll get an understanding of how pelvic floor issues affect the rest of your body and learn 5 key exercises to improve your pelvic floor health.
Class 2
In class 2, you'll learn about intra-abdominal pressure and when and why it can it dangerous for your pelvic organs. I will also teach you about the two most important things we work with to get rid of incontinence.
Class 3
Class 3 is all practice. You’ll learn an improved version of the mighty kapalabhati and uddiyana bandha breathing techniques and how to use them in different postures.
Class 4
Class 4 is all about belly breathing, including a more improved vacuum breathing technique, Nauli Kriya. Nauli is the Queen of exercises to get rid of incontinence and lose weight and get a beautiful and toned belly.
Sign up today and get these amazing bonuses for free
Get pro with intimate equipment. Feel the difference with my careful guidance.
2x most detailed step-by-step guides to Uddiyana bandha and Nauli Kriya
Get it right from day 1 with the guides and master the technique on your own.
Why trust me?
I've been in your shoes and found an easy way out.
I had my first baby girl when I was 29. Naturally and with complications - I had an episiotomy. As happy as I was to hold my daughter, the first month after delivery, I couldn’t even touch my pelvic area - everything hurt and I was afraid that my pelvic floor was ruined.
3 months later, I restarted physical activities but it wasn’t what I expected. I started to wet my underwear every time I was running or jumping. I was embarrassed, and as much as I wanted to continue leading an active lifestyle, I had to limit it because of the leakage.
On top of incontinence, I discovered that I had a prolapse and my gynecologist suggested surgery though I wasn’t ready for another surgery down there so I decided to not do anything about it.
I adjusted my lifestyle, limited activities that included jumping and running, and stopped doing sports that I loved. As a result, I started gaining weight, wasn’t able to get rid of it, and was getting progressively more and more frustrated with the situation.
But then something magical happened. I got introduced to pelvic floor yoga and it changed my life. Just after 2 months of training, I went back to my pre-birth state - got rid of incontinence, started getting back in shape, became more energetic, more confident, and definitely happier!
I became a huge fan of pelvic floor exercises and they’re a part of my daily routine. A few years later, I got pregnant with my second child. This time it wasn’t scary. After my second birth, I didn’t even get a prolapse or incontinence because I came into my pregnancy already in great shape, with toned pelvic floor muscles.
Today, I'm a certified pelvic floor yoga instructor myself. I knew from first-hand experience how demoralizing it was to face pelvic floor issues and how it was making me feel there was no way back to myself as I knew me.
So I started my own practice - and now I’m helping women to get rid of incontinence, prolapse, digestion issues, constipation, improve libido and overall energy level, and much more. I am sharing everything that I’ve learned through years in my personal or group coaching sessions, online courses, and consultations so that more women can lead happy healthy lives.
Will your course be suitable for me if I have cancer?
Unfortunately, not. There are contraindications to pelvic floor training and any type of cancer falls under it. Please, see below the full list of contraindications to this course:
Can I join your course if I have a myoma?
Yes, you can, if it’s not of a very big size (less than 2 cm) and if it’s not actively growing. But I recommend that you get an OK from your gynecologist first if you are permitted to do pelvic floor exercises.
I have diastasis. Can I join your course?
Yes, you can if your diastasis is less than 3 cm.
I have a prolapse. Can I do exercises from your course?
Yes, absolutely! The exercises from this course are designed to improve prolapse issues. But (!) only when the prolapse is of 1st and 2nd stage. The course is not recommended for 3d and 4th levels of prolapse of any internal organs.
Can I join your course if I have a spiral (IUD)?
If you have a round IUD, you can do all exercises from the course risk-free. If you have a T-type IUD, the exercises from the course are not recommended. We do a lot of vacuum exercises in the course, and there is a risk of moving the spiral.
Which time of the day should I do the exercises from the course?
The exercises from the course should be done on empty stomach. So the best time to practice pelvic floor yoga is in the mornings a, right after you woke up or 2-3 hours after breakfast/lunch. I do not recommend doing exercises at night as they bring a significant energy boost which might affect your ability to fall asleep.
How can I be sure I have stress incontinence?
Stress incontinence is the most common type. You probably have it if you experience urine leaks when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, or lifting something heavy. Stress incontinence is a sudden uncontrolled urine leak that may happen very often or just sometimes. But in any case, it identifies that pelvic floor needs your attention and it's best to treat the issue before it progresses and affects your life to a more significant degree.
If you want to asses your pelvic floor health, you can either get in touch with me or go through a pelvic floor health quiz to learn more.
How can I be sure I have weak pelvic floor muscles?
The most common symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscles are flatulence (the air going out of the vagina while exercising, especially yoga & pilates, or during intercourse), incontinence (urine leaks when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy), prolapse of internal organs, pelvic floor pain.
Can I join your course if I had a caesarian delivery?
Generally, you should be able to join my course 1 year after giving the birth but I strongly recommend consulting your gynecologist before jumprin into it. Your doctor should allow you to do pelvic floor exercises.
I’m 60 years old. Are there any age limitations for your course?
Absolutely NOT! You can do pelvic floor training at any age. Though, please, check the list of contraindications (first question) and make sure you don't fall under any category and can safely practice pelvic floor yoga.
PS: Look at my 57 y.o. client's result after 5 classes together! Age doesn't matter :)
© 2020 Yuliana G Stiduo, All Rights Reserved